
Get Flight Seats

Gets details about the seats in the requested flight. The result contains the seat map for this flight as well as a list of the booked seats on this flight.


GET /flight/{flightId}/seats
Parameter Description Format
{flightId} The flight ID of the requested flight. UUID string


GET /flight/17564e2f-7d32-4d4a-9d99-27ccd768fb7d/seats

Cabin Class Codes
There are three available cabin classes, each associated with a single letter code:

Seat Map Column Layouts
The column layout of a seat map represents the way columns are spread in a seat map section using a string of characters.

For example, the column layout ABC-DE-F#H represents a layout where there are three columns to the left (A, B, C), an aisle, then two columns in the center (D, E), an aisle, and three columns to the right (F, #, H), with an empty column between columns F and H.

Success Response - 200 OK

    "flightId": "<ID of the flight>",
    "aircraftModel": {
        "icaoCode": "<ICAO aircraft type designator code>",
        "iataCode": "<IATA aircraft type designator code>",
        "name": "<Model name of the aircraft>"
    "seatMap": [
            "cabinClass": "<Cabin class: E / B / F>",
            "startRow": "<Start row of the section>",
            "endRow": "<End row of the section>",
            "columnLayout": "<Column layout for this section, e.g. ABC-DE-F#H>"
    "bookedSeats": [
            "row": "<Row number of the booked seat>",
            "column": "<Column name of the booked seat>"


    "flightId": "17564e2f-7d32-4d4a-9d99-27ccd768fb7d",
    "aircraftModel": {
        "icaoCode": "B789",
        "iataCode": "789",
        "name": "Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner"
    "seatMap": [
            "cabinClass": "F",
            "startRow": 1,
            "endRow": 8,
            "columnLayout": "A-DG-K"
            "cabinClass": "B",
            "startRow": 10,
            "endRow": 14,
            "columnLayout": "AC-DFG-HK"
            "cabinClass": "E",
            "startRow": 21,
            "endRow": 28,
            "columnLayout": "ABC-DFG-HJK"
            "cabinClass": "E",
            "startRow": 29,
            "endRow": 30,
            "columnLayout": "###-###-HJK"
            "cabinClass": "E",
            "startRow": 35,
            "endRow": 36,
            "columnLayout": "ABC-###-HJK"
            "cabinClass": "E",
            "startRow": 37,
            "endRow": 48,
            "columnLayout": "ABC-DFG-HJK"
            "cabinClass": "E",
            "startRow": 49,
            "endRow": 50,
            "columnLayout": "###-DFG-###"
    "bookedSeats": [
            "row": 5,
            "column": "A"
            "row": 12,
            "column": "G"
            "row": 42,
            "column": "J"

Flight Not Found Response - 404 Not Found

    "error": "Flight not found",
    "message": "Could not find flight with the given flight ID."